Yep, I'm back again, and i'm gonna try to keep this up.

Sorry nerds :( CATA update

Ever since the new patch, It's wonderfull to play Cataclysm again. I never liked it, but now i can heal again! Ofc i fixed some of my gear, but yee, I'm reborn!

This explains why i haven't been updating for some time.
If i get some comments and some feedback, maby it would be nicer to blog.. Oh well, exuse my english i'm in a hurry!

Magic, booster draft.

Yello! In a few moments i will headout with Martin for a Booster draft in Magic. This will be my first and i have a feeling i will not take this home. But it will be fun!

so, hen i come back i'll tell you all about it.

Wish me good luck!

Victorian clocks? And ofc, torchlight.

I bought this beautiful voctorian clock today. It's truly magnificent. I don't have any pictore of it, BUT i found out my lovley cusin got the same clock in B-day present so i ninjad her pic of it. Isn't she a great photographer?
Here is here blog. In swedish, but she writes about music movies and

So! Back to what this blog is mainly about. Games:
I tryed torchlight out for the first time yesterdday, and i will make a yogcast about it, as soon as i can speak without being interuppted by my lovley boyfriend.

So i'm asking you readers, have you played it? What dif, lvl and what do you think about it?

I'm sad :(


Kalle told me a few weeks ago he and his best friend played portal 2. And that really get my clock tic. Cuz' I played portal 1 (yes this is going to make me lok like a whiner) waaaaaay back before him. And i'm really interested in the lure, and all mystic little details etc etc. He plays only for the fact that this is just unother game to finnish. Just unother game...

Ye i know i can get hurt by less but as i said, this realy get's my clock tic. And just the fact that he didn't even wanna wait to play it with me, that make me even more hurt. Ye i'm a bitching bitch but that's how i feel. It feel like he do not deserve to play it before me, given, that he really don't care..

So fuck you boyfriend, and fuck you Power iso, i can't get Tortchlight to work, will be posting a "first impression video" of that as soon as my 'love' wakes up and can help me. Over and Out!


I just found out that "The Cynical Brit" or "TotalBiscuit" as he is called aswell will be live at dreamhack this summer, Is that what i get for not going?!?! I neeed, i really really neeeeeeeeeeeeed to get there i will do everything in my power to get a day pass, a T-shirt and a textil-fiber-pencil, I WILL meet him oh fuck you karma!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Cynical Brit is…

A) Awesome

B) A Place For Gamers

C) A Games Reviews Website

D) All The Above… And More!

If you selected answer “D” above, you’re right! The Cynical Brit is a shoutcast, podcast, video and audio-blogging hub providing professional-quality gaming shows. The Cynical Brit website strives to tie all aspects of our awesome content together in an easy access format available to hardcore and casual gamers alike.

This is what his website says. But i say, If you are into gaming, like podcasts and live "first impression video", check this dude ouuut! He's i the dude with the "D"!
This is my fav. ep. with him, it' makes me laugh sooo hard! Mr. Biscuit? Mr. Biscuit? MR BISCUIT?!?!
This video made me play magica and i will soooon put my "first impression video" up :D

Dam Dam Daaaaam!

Yeah so i changed my header and background. I hope yo can see it, cuz i can't :P
I'm really tierd now so tomorrow i will put a better background in, and change the coulres cus right now, i oes not look like a gaming blogg, haha! Sleep tight my little monsters and i'll see you tomorrow!

I love my new spec..

yeah. I kind of like, no LOVE my new shadow specc, just sheck that dps out, from 4-9 to this, muhaha! No it's not photoshoped, girls can do play WoW ;)


Chapter 1 in gearing up. Continue

I have had serious problems manily cuz' of lazyness ;)

But now is my savior here, i found this other blogg with the best summary ever. I just i wish it was my blogg :(

Here's a link -->

My goal is to help peapole, that's why i'm not taking any cred, but u can read the summary text in my last post, and also see a couple of the clippboard-pic's..

And ofc, i wanna get bigger around the world, with more views, so that's why i'm still looking for someone to help me with a design, So please please help me!

xo Barbie

Day 2 at the LAN.

It's gone really good, and the concert was GREAT!!! So mutch peeps, great great groups/bands, awsome music! It's was truly great. Yesterday was the first day of the LAN and the CS tournament. It's took so long time, really boring when you don't care about it.. I was so tierd 6 in the morning that i crushed my thumb in a window so i'm sitting here with a badass bandage. So today we had a big bbq and now i'm watching a AWSOME anime series called Elfen lied, it's really big almost every anime-in-to-person knows it, to bad it's only 13ep's. So now i'm gonna finnish this ep. and get a smoke, then we'll have your World of Warcraft tournament live streamed. Pic's and clips will get up hopefully monday ight when we Celebrated my lovley boyfriends 20's birthday.

Kisses from me until later.

Dam Dam Daaaaam!

So i was up all night soing the last stuff for my cosplay, And maby i'm going to use it This weekend ath our long prepared LAN! I know some of my friends that is going to it is reading this so i can't sy to mutch. BUT i will post pics as soon as i'm done and a friend of mine is going to film/record it (What ever  you say) and i will uplode that clipp assoon as i get my hands on it. The huge lan begins tomorrow so i will try to update everyday whit pics and comments, And then i will be start blogging again, everyday. As usuall..

See you soon my minions!!

Saying hi.

So i just wanted to check on you mate, Are you doing good whitout me or are you getting dusty? Haha ohwell..

Right now when i'm not sleeping or making calls/arengments for the big ass LAN we'r having i'm working as a Make-up Artisit for those who need me..

I just tought maby you need something to cheer you up old friend, so go watch his, this is pure EPICNESS

I'm gonna leave you for now. See you soon i hope.


Okey so the blogg have been down the whole mounth, and i'm not gonna tell you i'm back tottaly. I have so mutch to do about the lan and the big gig, That i don't really know what to do, the time i got over i sleep. Haha i sound like a work-aholic, but it's true, and the extra sparetime i got, i wanna game. BUT as the the lasy as mot**faka i am, i'm gonna give u a video later on just telling you what's been going down. Cus everyboy know's you rather listen, then read. Right?

See you rebells soon

Going down.

So right now as u might notice, i'm down. Like the blogg is down. I will tell you guys more about it when i'm back. Take care for now. xo


Ye i'v been a little mad/irritated the sens my last post. apperntly i'm blogging wrong.. how the h*ll you can do that..

BUT anyway. I found this website that you can win really cool stuff on so please go via my link so i have a smaall chance of winning, i'm sending internet kisses to all of u who i recrouite. Love to all of you who reads my blog just cuz it's me that writes it not cuz you think i'm about to b the next Kissies (swedens biggest and stupidest blogger)

Today i'm of to the dentist, wish me luck, so i don't thnik there will be mutch blogging after that, i always get so tierd from the pinkillers/ lol-gas..

Here is the link, klick it, it's soo easy!

Janni is guest blogging ATM. And I just wa...

img_9736 (MMS)

Janni is guest blogging ATM. And I just wanted to say: toilet paper, Swedish style!

And we'r ready to go!

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And we'r ready to go!

Good morning. Sooo tired, need to hit the ...

Good morning. Sooo tired, need to hit the shower before everything gets stressy and messy ;) but the bed is so wooorm!

A long day.

This was a really long day. woke up early, my dad called around 9 (yeah that is early to me) and asked if i wanted to come on a roadtripp whit him, and ofc! So i got up from the bed 11, hade sutch a headache i stayd in bed aslong as i possibly could. Got some make up on and then we Went away. So when we arrived to Jönköping, like 8 (swedish) miles from here, takes around one houre. We ate at a really tasty resturant: Dragon, after that we checked some stores and bought dvd-cd's so i can burn him some movies. Then we tooke a cup of coofee at IKEA and we ate the biggest muttaaahfaakking Chokletballs i ever ever ever seen! like they didn't fit in my hand! i hade to eat them whit both hands, sick! And after that we checcked some more stores, we ended up buying a HDMI-cabel for his tv. ome cd's a bench for his new washingmashin-romm thingy, and a gift for his stepson. So i can't wright what it is incase someone in the familly reads this. hihi but i think hes gonna love it :)
And now i'm really tierd and could kill for a smoke, but all my Cigaretts are out :(

More Cosplay stuff.

So i allready gave you guys some pics of the jewlery. Now i'm giving you legs ;) and a new pair of earrings. I can't decided :( Please tell me witch one is best for troll hunter.

legs, i still need to fix some stuff whit the "feet"

The big feather-loop-earrings are the new ones. so hot, but witch ones are best for the look?

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