Day 2 at the LAN.

It's gone really good, and the concert was GREAT!!! So mutch peeps, great great groups/bands, awsome music! It's was truly great. Yesterday was the first day of the LAN and the CS tournament. It's took so long time, really boring when you don't care about it.. I was so tierd 6 in the morning that i crushed my thumb in a window so i'm sitting here with a badass bandage. So today we had a big bbq and now i'm watching a AWSOME anime series called Elfen lied, it's really big almost every anime-in-to-person knows it, to bad it's only 13ep's. So now i'm gonna finnish this ep. and get a smoke, then we'll have your World of Warcraft tournament live streamed. Pic's and clips will get up hopefully monday ight when we Celebrated my lovley boyfriends 20's birthday.

Kisses from me until later.

Postat av: Ragnarruth

I found all information to be intriguing and motivational. It was meant for me to find this website without even having any intention of looking for subjects in this area.

2011-05-23 @ 12:45:38

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