A long day.
This was a really long day. woke up early, my dad called around 9 (yeah that is early to me) and asked if i wanted to come on a roadtripp whit him, and ofc! So i got up from the bed 11, hade sutch a headache i stayd in bed aslong as i possibly could. Got some make up on and then we Went away. So when we arrived to Jönköping, like 8 (swedish) miles from here, takes around one houre. We ate at a really tasty resturant: Dragon, after that we checked some stores and bought dvd-cd's so i can burn him some movies. Then we tooke a cup of coofee at IKEA and we ate the biggest muttaaahfaakking Chokletballs i ever ever ever seen! like they didn't fit in my hand! i hade to eat them whit both hands, sick! And after that we checcked some more stores, we ended up buying a HDMI-cabel for his tv. ome cd's a bench for his new washingmashin-romm thingy, and a gift for his stepson. So i can't wright what it is incase someone in the familly reads this. hihi but i think hes gonna love it :)
And now i'm really tierd and could kill for a smoke, but all my Cigaretts are out :(
And now i'm really tierd and could kill for a smoke, but all my Cigaretts are out :(