Day 07 – Your best friend

This is really hard for me. Sens i was in 1 grade peaple know me as the wierd fat chick. I hade one best friend in 3:d grade but she moved to stockholm and now we don't have any conact. In 7:th grade (Middle school//Junior High School) i made my first really friends and it was the fist time in my life i felt i was good enough. But that didnt last long did it. in 8:th grade we start splitting up cuz we found eachother in our style (emo/goth) and the other girls, we were 5, were builiedd andso was i but i kept my head high. They didn't and when ur no them same style u can't be friends. Yes i live in a small town full of assholes. But thats like a law here. Anyway. I hade alot of friends but all of them are eally immature, they wanna borrow money, get drunk every night etc etc. And i can't take up whit ha and when isay no i'm the idiot. I'f uasked me 3 weeks ago i would have said something totly diffrent, but the persons i'm thinikig of, well i left a note couple of days ago about them.. Haunted (the text) So i have to say Lina. We klicked he first time we meee and now i feels like we have known eachoher for years! And Jannni is getting really close o me :)


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